"Your Best Mate"~ well let's see what is it
This is a kinda new exfoliate tool i being exposed to recently ^^
Picture talks louder than words haha here you go ~
Exfolimate is a skincare tool designed by Australia which can be applied on both face and body .
It is safe for daily use without causing any harm to our skin.
This is due to it's secret- micro-groove technology along the surgical grade stainless edge!!!
Thus what can it do ??
-Helping exfoliate dead skin cells and pedicure
-Deep cleanse away makeup residual and dirt
-Improve ingrown hair and pore blockage problems
-Enhanced skincare absorption
• 能徹底卸妝潔面,減少黑頭粉刺
• 深層清潔去角質
• 妝前使用妝容會更貼服自然
• 改善毛孔堵塞及毛髮倒生問題
It has been recommended in magazine too
For me i guess enhanced skincare absorption and deep clean is my main concern ~ I don't want my money gone wasted on skincare products without absorption!!!
Way to use this must make sure your skin is in wet condition. So I tried it during shower time ~ or you may want to use it during makeup removing section.
Very thoughtful designed with string attached given. You may take it off if you don't like it. I hang it at my toilet instead of leaving it and lost it one day ==
I tried it on my face during shower and turned out the effect was better than what i imagine ~
My first perception for this tools was- you know two triangle shape thingy with blade >< will it hurt my skin or give me a cut instead. -sweat-
Guess what ~Exfolimate totally impressed me!! "Thumbs up"
I used the face pieces and ran through my face especially my nose with a lot of blackhead. There goes the advantage of the edge designed ><
After using exfolimate I can feel that my skin was totally smoother than before !!
Just like after having facial section those silky smooth feeling ~ Love the smooth texture * BLINK BLINK
From now on i can save more $$$ for shopping instead of going for facial treatment session~Hooray
If use for long time it can improve our skin tone too ~ cant wait for the day to come haha
For people who are lazy like me and wish to finish everything in one shot "ALL IN ONE " Lol..
The result is something that will impress you.
My couz who had tried it having the positive result as me too ~
The smooth skin effect give me a better look after applying makeup too~ Rather than dry flake skin which is so awkward==