Tuesday, February 14, 2012

super love caramel pudding cake done!!!焦糖布丁蛋糕♥♥

want to eat cake since yesterday ~maybe addicted to my uncle's birthday cake lol
 so i decided to bake on my own~

getting ready with all the ingredients

important photo!!!! you need to bake the cake using water bath method

The upper layer is the pudding part and the lower part is sponge cake ~combination of both will be caramel pudding cake Lol

焦糖材料(caramel):細砂糖 caster sugar ~   100g
                                  熱水hot water~  30ml
 布丁材料(pudding):蛋 egg~  1個
                                牛奶 milk ~ 180ml
                                細砂糖 caster sugar~  1小匙
                                天然香草精 vanila essence  ~1/4小匙

戚風蛋糕材料( chiffon cake):蛋 egg~2個
                                           沙拉油cooking oil ~ 20ml
                                           牛奶 milk ~ 40ml
                                          低筋麵粉flour ~65g
                                          細砂糖 caster sugar~  20g和35g

 1) prepare the caramel ingredients, melt the caster sugar and stir till yellowish then + water.
2) mix all the ingredient for pudding then put it aside.
3) separate the egg yolk and egg white for ingredient of chiffon cake.
4) A: beat egg yolk +cooking oil + milk + caster sugar + flour put it aside
5) B : beat egg white and caster sugar till white foaming form.
6) get ready with your oven with 200c 
7) pour the mixer layer by layer into the mould 
    1st layer caramel 
    2nd layer pudding
    3rd layer pour in the chiffon cake mixer
8) look back the important photo... you have to prepare a water bath for the mould with 3 layer of mixer before put it into the oven .
9) the water of the water bath have to be higher than the layer of caramel in the mould.
10) bake for 35 to 40 minutes!! 
you can use a smaller mould so that the cake will look thicker~~
i know its a bit complicated and i make it more complicated haha~anythg can leave me a comment .i wil try my best to reply^^