Sunday, July 3, 2011

sponge cake~~

still remember the 1st time i baked cake i forgot to put flour haha~ and keep asking my mum why me cake still not cook yet...its still moist inside....><
certainly , it wouldnt happen again~~

 pandan flavour¬¬ nice¬¬sniff* smell nice too wakakak

this is coffee flavour sponge cake¬heh but i forgot to put somthing again so not that nnice>< paiseh..

Saturday, May 28, 2011


 faster faster ...ahhaahaa..grabbed the ingredient before the shop close~huhuhu
100g butter, softened at room temperature
80g caster sugar
1 egg yolk
180g cake flour
20g corn flour
 emmm ..yaya 1st step with electric mixer mix the sugar and butter till fluffy ~but ...why its took so long ...haha..maybe we lack of experiences....
 let make mould~love lovelove  with choc chips~~hehe

and my favourite rainbow sprinkles ~~huhu bean shape?? or kidney shape?? omg~
it taste nice!!!!hooray ~we finally made it ~huhu